Mian Iftikhar Hussain – Election in merged Districts – post polls statement

Mian Iftikhar Hussain – Election in merged Districts – post polls statement

Centarl General Secretary #ANP #MianIftikharHussain shares his views about the recent polls in merged districts, its imporatance, rigging and the politically demoted stance of the Govt of #PTI.They tried their best to rig and the elctions but they couldn’t. ANP was stopped from the election campaign many times in the name of security or threats […]

Tribal Election – Interview with Nisar Mohmand – #ANP Candidate for PK-103

Tribal Election – Interview with Nisar Mohmand – #ANP Candidate for PK-103

Election for Provincial Assembly in Tribal areas are being held on July 20th for the first time. #ANP has nominated candidates for almost all 16 seats. Wha are their goals and how they will attract voters to vote them. What challenges they are facing during the election campaign, #AMNTv has interview the ANP candidate for […]

Ameer Haider Khan Hoti about 26th constitutional amendment

Ameer Haider Khan Hoti about 26th constitutional amendment

Senior Vice President #ANP #AmeerHaiderKhanHoti speaks in favor of the new constitutional amendment which will increase the number of Provincial and National Assemblies’ constituencies in newly merged Districts of tribal areas.___What is AMN TV?___AMN TV is a web TV based in Peshawar to promote social-cultural and sociopolitical activities across the country. The TV is owned […]