Bacha Khani Pakar da | Karan Khan at Bacha Khan Markaz Peshawar
Eminent Pashto Singer #KaranKhan presents the famous #BachaKhaniPakar da at Bacha Khan Markaz Peshawar on the eve of Bacha Khan Week 2022. ___________________What is AMN TV?___________________AMN TV is a web TV based in Peshawar to promote social-cultural and sociopolitical activities across the country. The TV is owned by the Awami National Party, and its office […]
Karan Khan – Izhar Ullah izhar Poetry
Pashto Known Singer & Poet #KaranKhan expressions about the #PashtoPoetry of Dr #IzharUllahIzhar on the eve of his book opening cermony at Bacha Khan Markaz Peshawar. ___What is AMN TV?___AMN TV is a web TV based in Peshawar to promote social-cultural and sociopolitical activities across the country. The TV is owned by the Awami National […]