Dr Khadim Hussain Views about Bacha Khan & Wali Khan

Dr Khadim Hussain Views about Bacha Khan & Wali Khan

Known Scholar & Educationist #DrKhaidmHussain Views about #BachaKhan % #WaliKhan ___________________What is AMN TV?___________________AMN TV is a web TV based in Peshawar to promote social-cultural and sociopolitical activities across the country. The TV is owned by the Awami National Party, and its office is at Bacha Khan Markaz Pajagai Road Peshawar. AMN TV was initiated […]

Mian Iftikhar Hussain – Babara Massacre

Mian Iftikhar Hussain – Babara Massacre

Secertary General #ANP #MianIftikharHussain lecture on #Babaramassacre live from AMNTV Peshawar Studios Babarra massacre is considered a black day in the history of Pushtuns, which is marked every year by Pashtuns around the world on the 12th of August.___What is AMN TV?___AMN TV is a web TV based in Peshawar to promote social-cultural and sociopolitical […]